
How to use Azure Anomaly Detector to find anomalies from electricity consumption?

Electricity prices are seeking all time high figures in Finland and most of the Europe. I wanted to investigate my electricity consumption a bit more and use Azure AI services to find anomalies from the consumption data.

I'll show in this blog post how to create a small console application (C#) which processes hourly electricity consumption time serie data from one year period and utilizes Azure Anomaly Detector to find anomalies. 

What is Azure Anomaly Detector?

Azure Anomaly Detector is a part of Azure AI platform and provides a robust service for monitoring and detecting anomalies from your time series data without having to know machine learning. Time series data can be sent at once in a batch or anomalies can be detected also from streaming data. 

When time series data is sent at once, the API will generate a model using the entire series, and analyze each data point with it. When real time streaming is used model will be generated with the data points you send, and the API will determine if the latest point in the time series is an anomaly.

Azure Anomaly Detector utilizes multiple algorithms and automatically identifies and applies the best-fitting models to your time series data, regardless of industry, scenario, or data volume. You can find more information about used algorithms from here.

With the Anomaly Detector, you can either detect anomalies in one variable using Univariate Anomaly Detector, or detect anomalies in multiple variables with Multivariate Anomaly Detector.

In this sample I'll use the Univariate Anomaly Detector. Maybe later I'll try Multivariate Anomaly Detector to use multiple variables like electricity consumption and temperature.

What is Anomaly Detector? - Azure Cognitive Services | Microsoft Docs
How to use the Anomaly Detector API on your time series data - Azure Cognitive Services | Microsoft Docs
Introducing Azure Anomaly Detector API - Microsoft Tech Community
Overview of SR-CNN algorithm in Azure Anomaly Detector - Microsoft Tech Community
What is the Univariate Anomaly Detector? - Azure Cognitive Services | Microsoft Docs
What is Multivariate Anomaly Detection? - Azure Cognitive Services | Microsoft Docs

Overview of the sample application

Console application takes CSV data (electricity consumption) in and processes data via Azure Anomaly Detector API. Application utilizes Univariate Anomaly Detector to detect anomalies from one variable which is in this case electricity consumption. Lastly results of Anomaly detection will be written to another CSV file which can later used for visualization purposes.


Console application

Required Nuget packages

The following Nuget package is required to enable Anomaly Detector service from Azure:


This application uses CsvHelper package to write easily CSV files: 


Configuration and Azure credentials

The following Anomaly Detector service credential and CSV paths are configured in the appsettings.json file of the application. You need to first create Azure Cognitive Service resource and then you can create Anomaly Detector.

  "AzureCognitiveServices": {
    "EndPoint": "https://[YOUR-COGNITIVE-SERVICE]",
    "Key": "" // This is a Anomaly Detector key which can be found from Keys and Endpoint under Anomaly Detector resource
  "Csv": {
    "InPath": "C:\\Data\\AnomalyDetector\\In\\2021-01-01_2021-12-31_hour.csv",
    "OutPath": "C:\\Data\\AnomalyDetector\\Out\\results.csv"

Main application

Main application orchestrates reading of CSV input data, anomaly detection via Anomaly Detector and writing of results to CSV.

using Azure.AI.AnomalyDetector.Models;
using ElectricityConsumptionAnalyzer.Console;
using Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration;

var configuration = new ConfigurationBuilder()

var csvInputPath = configuration["Csv:InPath"];
var csvOutputPath = configuration["Csv:OutPath"];

Console.WriteLine("Hello, press any key to start anomaly detection.");

var anomalyDetectorService = new AnomalyDetectorService(configuration);

// creates time serie data from CSV file
var timeSerie = TimeSerieHelper.ReadCsv(csvInputPath);

// analyzes time serie data
var timeSerieAnalysis = await anomalyDetectorService.AnalyzeTimeSerie(timeSerie, TimeGranularity.Hourly, ImputeMode.Auto, 99);

// write results to CSV file
TimeSerieHelper.WriteCsv(csvOutputPath, timeSerieAnalysis);

Console.WriteLine("Anomaly detection completed.");

You should be aware of the following parameters which are provided to AnalyzeTimeSerie method:

TimeGranularity = Optional argument, can be one of yearly, monthly, weekly, daily, hourly, minutely, secondly, microsecond or none. If granularity is not present, it will be none by default. If granularity is none, the timestamp property in time series point can be absent.

InputeMode = Used to specify how to deal with missing values in the input series, it's used when granularity is not "none".

Sensitivity = Optional argument, advanced model parameter, between 0-99, the lower the value is, the larger the margin value will be which means less anomalies will be accepted.


AnomalyDetectorService is responsible for handling communication with Azure Anomaly Detector and transforming data to a format which is easy to consume later and write to CSV file.

using Azure;
using Azure.AI.AnomalyDetector;
using Azure.AI.AnomalyDetector.Models;
using Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration;

namespace ElectricityConsumptionAnalyzer.Console
    public class AnomalyDetectorService: IAnomalyDetectorService
        private AnomalyDetectorClient _anomalyDetectorClient;
        public AnomalyDetectorService(IConfiguration configuration)
            var cognitiveServiceEndpointUriString = configuration["AzureCognitiveServices:EndPoint"] ?? throw new ArgumentNullException("AzureCognitiveServices:EndPoint is missing");
            var apiKey = configuration["AzureCognitiveServices:Key"] ?? throw new ArgumentNullException("AzureCognitiveServices:Key is missing");
            var endpointUri = new Uri(cognitiveServiceEndpointUriString);
            var credential = new AzureKeyCredential(apiKey);
            //create client
            _anomalyDetectorClient = new AnomalyDetectorClient(endpointUri, credential);      

        public async Task<List<TimeSerieAnalysisResponse>> AnalyzeTimeSerie(
            IList<TimeSeriesPoint> timeSerie, 
            TimeGranularity timeGranularity, 
            ImputeMode imputeMode, 
            int sensitivity)
            var request = new DetectRequest(timeSerie)
                Granularity = timeGranularity,
                ImputeMode = imputeMode,
                Sensitivity = sensitivity

            var analysisResult =  await _anomalyDetectorClient.DetectEntireSeriesAsync(request).ConfigureAwait(false);

            return await MapData(request.Series, analysisResult);

        /// <summary>
        /// Maps original time serie data and anomaly detection results to unified object
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="timeSeriesRequest"></param>
        /// <param name="timeSeriesAnalysisResult"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        private async Task<List<TimeSerieAnalysisResponse>> MapData(
            IList<TimeSeriesPoint> timeSeriesRequest, 
            EntireDetectResponse timeSeriesAnalysisResult)
            var analysis = new List<TimeSerieAnalysisResponse>();

            for (int i = 0; i < timeSeriesRequest.Count; ++i)
                var data = new TimeSerieAnalysisResponse()
                    Timestamp = timeSeriesRequest[i].Timestamp.Value,
                    Consumption = timeSeriesRequest[i].Value,
                    IsAnomaly = timeSeriesAnalysisResult.IsAnomaly[i]

                if (timeSeriesAnalysisResult.IsAnomaly[i])
                    data.AnomalyValue = timeSeriesRequest[i].Value;
                    data.Severity = timeSeriesAnalysisResult.Severity[i];
                    data.LowerMargins = timeSeriesAnalysisResult.LowerMargins[i];
                    data.UpperMargins = timeSeriesAnalysisResult.UpperMargins[i];
                    data.ExpectedValues = timeSeriesAnalysisResult.ExpectedValues[i];
                    data.IsNegativeAnomaly = timeSeriesAnalysisResult.IsNegativeAnomaly[i];
                    data.IsPositiveAnomaly = timeSeriesAnalysisResult.IsPositiveAnomaly[i];
                    data.Period = timeSeriesAnalysisResult.Period;

            return analysis;


TimeSerieHelper is just a small helper class to help reading and writing CSV files. CSV writing is handled with a great CSVHelper library.

using Azure.AI.AnomalyDetector.Models;
using CsvHelper;
using System.Globalization;
using System.Text;

namespace ElectricityConsumptionAnalyzer.Console
    public class TimeSerieHelper
        public static IList<TimeSeriesPoint> ReadCsv(string csvFilePath)
            return File.ReadAllLines(csvFilePath, Encoding.UTF8)
                .Where(e => e.Trim().Length != 0)
                .Select(e => e.Split(';'))
                .Where(e => e.Length == 2)
                .Select(e => CreateTimeSerie(e)).ToList();

        static TimeSeriesPoint CreateTimeSerie(string[] e)
            var timestampString = e[0];
            var consumption = e[1];
            return new TimeSeriesPoint(float.Parse(e[1])) { Timestamp = DateTime.Parse(timestampString) };

        public static void WriteCsv(string csvFilePath, List<TimeSerieAnalysisResponse> timeSeriesAnalysisResult)
            using (var writer = new StreamWriter(csvFilePath))
            using (var csv = new CsvWriter(writer, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture))

Data In and Out

Data In: Hourly electricity consumption from one year period

My electricity company provides manual data export functionality from their own portal. Data can be exported as a CSV format. I'll use hourly electricity consumption from one year in this sample. Data which is feed to console application looks like this (timestamp + electricity consumption):


Note! The minimum time series points are 12 points, and the maximum is 8640 points. I needed to remove couple weeks data from the December to get this fit to 8640 points.

Data Out: Enriched data with anomaly results

Console application enriches anomaly detection results provided by Azure Anomaly Detection to the CSV file. After enrichment file looks like this:


What does these fields mean?

Second field in the dataset (IsAnomaly) indicates whether the point is positive or negative anomaly. Dataset also have different fields for indicating negative or positive anomaly. Positive anomaly means that analyzed value is higher than the expected value and negative another way around.

According to documentation: By default, the upper margin and lower margin boundaries for anomaly detection are calculated using ExpectedValue, UpperMargin, and LowerMargin. If you require different boundaries, we recommend applying a MarginScale to UpperMargin or LowerMargin. The boundaries would be calculated as follows:


ExpectedValue + (100 - MarginScale) * UpperMargin


ExpectedValue - (100 - MarginScale) * LowerMargin

Did Anomaly Detector find any anomalies from the data?

Time serie which was used in this sample contained 8640 data points. Below chart illustrates electricity consumption of one day (1.1.2021) in hour level. Consumption values greater than 0 with blue dot are identified as an anomaly. Azure Anomaly Detector has identified consumption peaks nicely! This is a short snapshot from the data but overall this seems accurate. I will analyze consumption pattern more later and it would be also interesting to test Multivariate Anomaly Detection with multiple variables like electricity consumption and temperature.

Overall Azure Anomaly Detector is very interesting service especially when you don't need to know machine learning and algorithms.


Full source code of this sample application can be found from GitHub.
